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Thursday, April 22, 2010

My tattoo/Transfeminism

Yesterday started like any other Wednesday. I slept until noon after, working until 2am the night before and not having to go to class until 2:15 in the afternoon. Woke up, went on the internet for awhile, got dressed, went and got food, went to class. I also checked my my phone for any messages. My friend hand sent me a text about going to Janesville to look into me getting a tattoo either that day or with in the next few.

I texted her back asking what time she was going to go with she went today. She said that she had class until 2 and then she was free and asked what time works for me. I said I have class from 2:15 to 3:30 and then I was free. Long story short, after my class we went. We found out that the tattoo would only be a 70 dollars! After running to the bank to deposit my tax return check, we went back and I got the tattoo!

I loves it! I call it the transfeminist symbol! Another one of my friends made the design for me and I LOVE her for it! I always resisted the urge to get a tattoo because I didn't want something that permanent on my body. I was afraid of looking at it in 20 years and regretting getting it, but this tattoo I KNOW I will look at in 20 years and go "Still true!" No regrets. Transfeminism is AMAZING and I hope more people join in the fight!

I have mentioned about transfeminism before on this blog, but I didn't do it much so I will talk about it more here. Transfeminism is about changing the ideas of feminism to add transwomyn because we are all fighting for the same rights. Transfeminists include transwomyn, transmen, and anyone else who wants to fight for the rights of transwomyn and supports us. Transfeminism is NOT about taking over existing feminist ways, but about expanding them so they include more people that are fighting for the same thing.

Transfeminism holds that everyone has a right to express themselves, in terms of gender and every other way, how ever they want. Often times transwomyn are forced to internalize the stereotypes of womyn in our society, which is offensive to ALL womyn because it denies our individuality. Transfeminism says that NO ONE should be forced to be who they aren't in order to prove they are "real" men or "real" womyn. We, transfeminist, want all womyn, cisgender or trans, to challenge there thinking about what it means to be a womyn. Purity tests about whether someone is a "real" womyn or man, are offensive and needs to stop. That is the bases of what being a transfeminist is all about. If you would like to read more click this link:

Officially speaking there is NO symbol for transfeminism, however seeing as the feminist symbol is simply the female sign with a fist in it, it would make sense that the transfeminist symbol would be the trans symbol with a fist symbol. I'm putting out there publicly now and hope that the symbol takes root in the transfeminist community! I loves it! It symbolizes who I am and what I stand for! I would like to thank both the friend who made it for me and the friend who took me to get a the tattoo. You GALS ROCK, thanks so much!


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