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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why shouldn't I express my anger?

Ever since I have started being a transgender activist I have faced the same old bullshit. I have been told my issues weren't important enough to focus on at my campus. Told that because there were so few out trans people on campus that there is no need to do anything to make my campus better for trans people. Told that change takes time and that "our", transgender people's, time will come soon enough. Told that I need to do this pretty much on my own if I expect any change to happen. Told that my experience coming out in high school isn't important, because the playwright wasn't "inspired" to write a trans character, and yet somehow the guy was "inspired" to write about the L, the G, and the B despite the fact that there isn't a chance in hell that he was all of them or fully understood their pain.

And yet I have also been told that I need to be calm. I need to be "reasonable". I need to be rational and logical and understanding that people don't get the whole trans thing. Told that I shouldn't express my anger and even that I SHOULDN'T be angry at all when shit like the stuff above happens. That is my job to be the understanding person, who educates and who is calm, cool and collected. That somehow I have a duty to show compassion when cis people fucking fail instead of calling their asses out on it and telling them whats what. Yet when a cis straight person is fucks up with LGB side of things the LGB are allowed to get angry and call them on it, but we trans people aren't. We aren't allowed to be angry. Why is that?

Why the fuck shouldn't we be angry? Why the fuck shouldn't we rage and call stupid cis fucks on their shit? Trans people have every right to be angry. We get fucked over not just by straight society, but by the very community we supposedly belong to. If we are lesbians as well as trans most cisgender lesbians don't want anything to do with us unless we have had the surgery. They define us purely on the fact that we have dicks when it comes to dating. The can say all they fucking want about how they really see us as womyn, but when it comes to dating they wont touch us and feel the need to clarify on their profiles that they are NOT transgender, as if it is some sor to of disease. Trans people are marginalized, misgendered, and told that our issues don't matter every fucking day and we are expected to just sit there and wait patiently for our "turn" and be nice, understanding and above all happy while we are waiting. FUCK THAT!

I am sick of being reasonable and being treated like a second class citizen in the supposed LGB"T" community. Sick of being told that I should hold my anger in when I am so mad I feel like I could punch a hole through a wall. I'm pissed off and sick of people telling me to be calm. I'm pissed off and sick of being told that I need to be patient and work with people who don't seem to give a fucking damn about anything I have to saying. I'm pissed off and I am sick of working with a system that doesn't want to work with me and goes in with the assumption that I am just there to "bitch" and don't have any ideas of what to do or a plan. I'm pissed off and sick of holding my anger in. Sick of pretending that I am not angry with how I am being treated. Well it ends to night. I'm a royally pissed off and dammit I am going to express my anger!!!!


  1. I don't think you're a bitch. And you have every right and reason to be angry. <3

  2. ‎"Always complain, and never fear looking like an extremist." ~Becky Hogan ♥
